Episode 32 (January 2025)
Something we never want to miss, and something we might have missed... cauda equina syndrome, and the new NICE guidance on menopause- any changes to our practice?
Join the Red Whale team for a relaxed round up of this month's Red Whale primary care Pearls of wisdom. This month, we discuss:
- Spinal cord compression and cauda equina syndrome. They’re on our (long!) list of things we never want to miss. They’re uncommon presentations, but they cause us a lot of anxiety. We can help…
- The new NICE guidance on menopause, published in December 2024. Much stayed the same, but we focus on the bits that may change our practice…
All of the above questions, and more, will be answered during the episode. Listen as soon as you can to ensure you have full access to all the free resources.
And hear a best intentions story that will have you checking your phone and your headphones before launching into your next consultation!